The watch is closest to the original Apple Watch
️Show caller name (all names)
️ Always on screen
️ Make and receive calls within an hour
️ Receiving all types of messages
️ 6 basic themes on the watch, in addition to choosing from 200 program themes, in addition to the ability to download photos from the studio.
️ Listening to music around the clock
️Control taking photos around the clock
️ Screen lighting when raising the hand
️ Voice command feature
️ Down timer
Free Shipping within Lagos and Abuja
Statement about minimum and maximum temperatures
️ Side screen with the 4 most recently used applications
️ Lock the watch with a password
️ Energy saving mode
️ Do not disturb mode
️ Control the playback of short video clips
️ Stop watching
️ 4 ways to display the internal menu
️ Contactless payment feature
️ Location sharing feature
Watch feature
️ Phone search feature
Its health and sports advantages
️ Measuring blood pressure rate
️ Measuring the number of heartbeats
️ Measuring oxygen in the blood
️ Measuring body temperature
️ Reminders for (getting up from a sitting position / drinking water / travel time / reading / exercise / treatment)
Feature of measuring health functions every hour
️ 5 different sports modes
️Measure the number of steps, distance, and calories traveled
️ Measuring the degree of atmospheric pressure and the percentage of hot radiation
View specifications
Dimensions of the clock are 45 * 38 * 13
️ Bluetooth version 5.2
️ Wireless charging
️wearfit pro app
️ 128 MB memory
️ 2.8-inch screen with a resolution of 240 * 296
Controls: Two side buttons in addition to a mobile addition to touch the watch
️ IPS screen
️ The weight of the watch is 50 grams
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